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Established in June 1994 and Dedicated to Preserving the Trails, Trail Access, and the Equestrian Lifestyle.

Information on all events, Campouts and Rides is Published in the Monthly Newsletter.

C L R C  M E M B E R S H I P


CLRC Rides are open to members only.  The Club must have a signed Participant Agreement/Release and Acknowledgement of Risk on file before you join any CLRC organized activity.   New Members are always welcome to join at a ride or event.  Please complete and return the 2020 Membership/Renewal form and Release which can be found here:




A State Land Permit will cover you for parking on all state lands, and for hiking, biking, or riding across any state lands.  This permit is required by law and required on all CLRC organized rides.  If you do not have a current State Land Permit you may not ride with CLRC.  If you are parked on state land a copy of the permit must be easily visible in your truck.  The State Land Permit is not the same as a State Park Permit so don't confuse the two.  The State can and will impose hefty fines.  


The State Land Permit is available at: 

H E L M E T S 


All Riders under the age of 18 are REQUIRED to wear a helmet when participating in Club rides.





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